A Gift That Keeps Jesus in this Holiday Season

You know how hard it is to find great Christian books for children that give them practical ways to apply biblical principles in their daily lives. 

It's why I put together this special Holiday deal. The best part about these books is - you can hand it to a kid without worrying about the content. 

This book was so helpful in having a more Christ-centered perspective. My daughter and I enjoyed it while we discussed how important for us to model this valuable behavior.


Hi! It's me, Guerdie! I'm a mother of 2 beautiful daughters and a Christian author who publishes books under the name Good News Meditations Kids and G.L. Charles.

What pushed me to write my 1st book is that I had difficulty finding Christian books for my 2 daughters that put forward beautiful Christian values and were centered on Jesus. So, I decided to write one. I was surprised at the feedback I received on the book and realized how many other mothers and fathers are facing the same situation! Since then, I have published multiple books and there are so many of them to come!

It's a privilege to be able to offer these books to you at a deep discount and I'm confident you and the kids in your life will love each of these stories. 

© 2023 Good News Meditations Inc. All rights reserved

Lighthearted Lessons

of Scripture 



G.L. Charles

Author and Founder of GNM Kids 

When I told my kids about this 

Amazing deal 

they were a little concerned 

( I just started to teach them about money... ) 

I took all the titles of the "With Jesus" Series












... and I cut the cost


Then I Cut it again.

Because I don't think Christian books for kids should break the bank...especially in this holiday season

You've got 3 options

(They're all good.)

Today's special paperback offer

That's 53% in savings... only available today

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Or Paperback Deal #2

Or Paperback Deal #3

(5 titles)

(6 titles)

(11 titles)

Bible Tested. Christian-Approved

What are the stories about?

Simply Kids. Facing challenging situations. Overcoming each one of them using God's Word in a practical way.

I read this story to my daughter on a daily basis and she loves it. It helps me as well as a parent

Amazon Customer

My children love these little books. They thoroughly enjoy each and every story, as if they are all unique and individual without any cause for similarity among them

Amazon Customer

Here's the deal.

You have to buy these books directly from me. No Amazon. No Barnes & Nobles, No Hobby Lobby

Just me, the author.


Today's price

11 amazing 


for only




Without exception, the best deal you'll find on these titles

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Today's price

6 amazing 


for only


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My biggest possible discount  for 5 titles

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In short, We are sharing the Word of God through children's stories so they can understand God and His Word in a practical way, a way which personally applies to their life and their circumstances and improve their well-being.  


5 amazing 


for only


My biggest possible discount  for 6 titles

Stunning Illustrations!

With Jesus I Share

With Jesus I am Thankful

With Jesus I am Calm

With Jesus I Give

With Jesus I am Smart

With Jesus I Don't Give Up

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Some feedback from our readers

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